
Dance Production


Artistic Direction & Choreography: Rashmi Srinivas & Karthik Tantri

A thematic production based on Women and Earth.

The association between women and earth is a long-recognized means by which societies have sought to understand an unpredictable and powerful earth and women together. Women, like the Earth, are reproductive, harboring the ability to give life. In addition to these conceptual associations, we may also look to lived experiences to identify these connections.

With this understanding of a feminine nature and women’s aptness for the natural world, it is unsurprising to think the destruction, domination, and management of Earth is often deeply tied to the marginalization and subordination of women.


Know more about our online classes

Turn your home into your own dance studio!

Abstratics is taking its classes online, and all classes will be streamed live, via Zoom.

We look forward to dancing with you from a distance!